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16 months.  Its been that long since I have been able to put my thoughts on to "paper", letting them escape the fury inside my head and heart.  Before every blog I have written, I say a prayer, "Lord, let my words fall on ears whom you think might need to be encouraged or might need to hear these words." Pretty simple.  Its been sixteen months since I have written anything because the back lash from my last post (which you can read it here ), was not great and it closed up my heart. It made me sad. It made me not trust myself or people or why God had me write what was pressing hard on my heart, like the pressing of labour pains that need to be birthed.  And here I find myself again. In the conception stage. Something growing in me... some words that need to get out. Ive been introverted the last 16 months, spending time looking into my own heart and questioning what was really in there. Reading through the messages of love and the messages of hate an...

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